17th Lamp Lighting and Oath Taking Ceremony
Ojaswini Nursing College, Sagar conducted its 17th Lamp Lighting and Oath Taking Ceremony for BSc students on 17th February 2024. Dr Jyoti Chouhan, Regional Director, Health Services, Sagar graced the occasion as Chief Guest and Prof Deepti Pandey, Principal, Govt College of Nursing, Bundelkhand Medical College, was a Special Guest at the event. Shri Dilip Malaiya, Vice Chairman of Ojaswini Nursing College, Sagar was also the Special Guest of the event. All the New Blooming Buds of the Ojaswini Family took the Nursing Oath in the presence of entire Ojaswini Family. We wish our future nurses a long and rewarding educational journey and success as they enter the field of allied healthcare services. . . . Ojaswini Nursing college University Road, Pathariya Jaat, Sagar (mp) Mob. 9575304010, 9575304007, 9993051431 For more details: www.onccollege.in Ojaswininsgsagar@gmail.com ओजस्विनी नर्सिंग कॉलेज, यूनिवर्सिटी रोड, पथरिया जाट, सागर (म.प्र) मो. 9575304010, 9575304007, 9993051431 #ojaswininursingcollegesagar #sagar #admissionopen2022_2023 #sagarmp #bscnursing #anm #pbsc #mscnursing #jobopportunity #healthy #CareForAll #activities #collegelifestyle #wish #hope #OjaswiniNursingCollege #collegevisits #LampLightingCeremony #healthca